Lingual Frenectomy in Truckee

A lingual frenectomy is a simple, yet highly effective dental procedure performed by Dr. Matthew Gustafsson at Truckee Pediatric Dentistry. This procedure involves the release of the lingual frenulum, a small fold of tissue that can restrict the movement of the tongue. Often, when this tissue is too tight or short, it can lead to difficulties with speech, eating, and even oral hygiene. With the use of modern dental technologies, a lingual frenectomy is a quick, minimally invasive procedure that can significantly improve the quality of life for both children and adults.

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Lingual Frenectomy in Truckee, CA

Why Should My Child Get a Lingual Frenectomy?

A lingual frenectomy can be a life-changing procedure for those who struggle with a condition known as tongue-tie. This condition, which is often present from birth, can interfere with essential functions such as speaking, eating, and swallowing. For children, a lingual frenectomy can help improve speech development, prevent issues with eating, and reduce the risk of dental problems. If your child is experiencing any of these challenges, a lingual frenectomy might be the solution they need.

Lingual Frenectomy in Truckee, CA

Why Should My Child Get a Lingual Frenectomy?

A lingual frenectomy can be a life-changing procedure for those who struggle with a condition known as tongue-tie. This condition, which is often present from birth, can interfere with essential functions such as speaking, eating, and swallowing. For children, a lingual frenectomy can help improve speech development, prevent issues with eating, and reduce the risk of dental problems. If your child is experiencing any of these challenges, a lingual frenectomy might be the solution they need.

Did you know…

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Tongue-ties affect between 4-10% of the population.

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The Benefits Of A Lingual Frenectomy

Improved Speech

A lingual frenectomy can significantly enhance speech clarity by allowing for unrestricted movement of the tongue. This is particularly beneficial for children who are developing their language skills.

Enhanced Oral Hygiene

With the tongue's increased mobility post-procedure, maintaining oral hygiene becomes much easier. The tongue plays a crucial role in cleaning the mouth, and a lingual frenectomy can help prevent future dental issues by enabling more thorough cleaning.

Better Eating and Swallowing

A tight or short lingual frenulum can make it difficult for nursing infants to latch, and for older children to move food around in the mouth and swallow effectively. A lingual frenectomy can alleviate these issues, making meal times more enjoyable and less stressful for children of all ages.

The Lingual Frenectomy Treatment Process

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Initial Consultation

The first step in the lingual frenectomy process is an initial consultation with Dr. Gustafsson. During this appointment, he will assess the severity of the tongue-tie, discuss the potential benefits of the procedure, and answer any questions you may have.

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The Procedure

The lingual frenectomy procedure is relatively quick and involves minimal discomfort. Using advanced dental technology, Dr. Gustafsson will carefully release the lingual frenulum, freeing the tongue for greater movement. The procedure typically takes less than 15 minutes.

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Post-Procedure Care

After the procedure, Dr. Gustafsson will provide detailed instructions for post-procedure care. This may include gentle exercises to help strengthen the tongue and promote healing. Regular follow-up appointments will also be scheduled to monitor the healing process and ensure the best possible outcome.

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