Dental Implants

Restorative Dentistry in Truckee

Keep your smile feeling and functioning at its absolute best with restorative dentistry. From simple procedures like dental fillings, to more complex solutions like dental prosthetics and root canal therapy, restorative dentistry aims to revitalize decayed or damaged teeth. With our comprehensive restorative care, you can take back your overall oral health so you can eat, laugh, and smile with confidence.


Restorative Dentistry

Dental Fillings

If your child has a cavity, it can compromise their oral health, and leave them with a lingering toothache. Dental fillings are one of the fastest, simplest, and most affordable ways to treat cavities for kids. Cavities are a big deal, even if they're only present in the baby teeth. Cavities can cause pain and discomfort and may lead to infected teeth or even tooth loss. Baby teeth are just as important as your child’s adult teeth since they help form the paths that adult teeth follow when they emerge later in life. With a dental filling, your child’s tooth will stay healthy for years to come.

Restorative Dentistry

Dental Crowns

We know that your child being happy and healthy is the most important, and when they get little bumps in the road, it can be scary! Toothaches and damaged teeth can be a huge burden for kids. If they are needing a solution to damaged or decayed teeth, pediatric dental crowns can help. They are designed specifically to restore tiny teeth to their former function and look. Your child will no longer have discomfort and will have a solution that will last for years to come.

Restorative Dentistry


If your child is suffering from a toothache, it may be a sign of an infection, but a pulpotomy may be able to relieve their discomfort in a single visit. Sometimes referred to as "baby root canals," pulpotomies can stop the infection in its tracks, restoring your little one's oral health and alleviating their pain and sensitivity, so they can get back smiling, laughing, and just being a kid.